About us
SocietyByte is the online magazine of the Bern University of Applied Sciences about the human digital transformation.
We publish contributions from researchers at BFH, academics from related organisations, our partners and promote discussion. We link science and practice, whereby administration and politics are just as much part of our practice as the economy.
Our articles, interviews and multimedia content present research results from the seven departments of the UASB, describe current issues, present solutions and initiate debates. In doing so, it is important to us to give as many relevant disciplines as possible the floor. We are interested in the “classic” applied perspectives: technology, organisation and law! But we are also interested in social science perspectives (such as economics, ethnology, sociology and the question of the ideal state), perspectives directly related to people (such as psychology and medicine), historical observations but also philosophical reflections.
In addition to classical scientific contributions, we are open to almost everything, especially new forms of presentation. For example, contributions that show the work of researchers are highly welcome: In addition to the results of your research, send us your analyses, contributions to discussions or comments.
Your SocietyByte Team!